2022 PACES Workforce and Training Survey

Dear PACES Members:

After talking with several people at HRS, we wanted to send out a clarification about the 2022 PACES Workforce and Training Survey:

ALL Individual PACES members should fill out this survey. There are individual level questions that will provide valuable information, so every PACES member at every institution should fill this survey out. This is to provide an overview of the current and future status of our PACES community, including all members from trainees, allied professionals, and physicians.

For EP Physician's in a group practice: You can designate one person to fill out your program's annual case volumes and/or EP fellowship training information. The other physicians in the practice can then just put "0" for those numbers and in the comment section at the end, please note who will be submitting the numbers for your program.

This survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. Please answer the questions thoughtfully and as accurately as possible. The survey link is an anonymous link so please try to complete the survey in one sitting.

If you are an EP Physician, you will be asked questions about EP fellowship training with specifics about EP fellows trained between 2017-present. There are also questions about your program’s total annual case volume for each of the following:

· Total invasive cases (ablation, EPS, TEEPS, device implants, cardioversions, etc)
· Ablations in children < 5 years old
· Ablations in children 5-21 years old
· Ablations in adults > 21 years old
· Invasive EPS (no-ablation)
· Non-CRT Transvenous Pacemaker Implants (new and revised)
· Non-CRT Transvenous ICD implants (new and revised)
· Transvenous CRT (pacemaker and ICD) implants (new and revised)
· S-ICD implants or revisions
· Micra Implants or revisions
· ILR implants
· Transesophageal EPS
· Lead Extractions
· Other

We have decided to leave this survey open a bit longer to collect surveys from as many PACES members as possible. Please fill this survey out by June 30th 11:59 US Pacific Time.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions!

Follow this link to complete the survey:
2022 PACES Workforce and Training Survey

If the link doesn't work, you can copy and paste this website address into your browser: https://stanforduniversity.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bwlr8c5DUMbO1XU

Thank you very much for your time! Please feel free to contact us with any questions!

Kara Motonaga, MD (sachie@stanford.edu)
Eric Silver, MD (es2301@cumc.columbia.edu)

PACES Education Committee Chairs