Reminder! PACES Election Open

Dear Fellow PACES Members,

Final Elections for our new PACES Executive Committee Member (VP of Administration) are open. All active PACES members should have received the ballot invitation in the past 24-48 hrs. It will be from " via surveymonkey", with a subject line of "PACES election ballot 2023"

If you are an active PACES member and have not yet received the ballot, please try the following-
-check junk/spam folders
-add to your list of approved contacts and check inbox again
-please check you membership status- if you notice that your dues are not paid, please go ahead and renew your dues, the ballot will be re-sent to newly enrolled members every few days until the deadline
-please contact us at if issues persist and we will be happy to help

Shashank Behere,
PACES website team