EP Education Survey

Dear PACES Members, please see below from Kara Motonaga and Andrew Headrick:

For USA-based EP Attending Physician PACES members:

This is a survey of USA-based EP attending physician’s perspectives on current approaches to EP didactics for categorical pediatric cardiology fellows in ACGME accredited fellowship programs. We are circulating this to increase our understanding of electrophysiology (EP) attending physicians’ perspectives on the role, structure, variability, and quality of current approaches to EP didactics for categorical cardiology fellows at their respective ACGME accredited fellowship programs. The resulting information is intended to inform the design and approach of a structured EP curriculum targeted towards categorical pediatric cardiology fellows, with the eventual goal of making the curriculum and relevant educational materials open access. This survey is anticipated to take no more than 5-10 minutes. Your survey participation and all your responses will remain anonymous.

Please find he survey link HERE.

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