Duke Children's EP Fellowship Opportunity

December 4, 2020

RE: Pediatric Electrophysiology Fellowship 2021-2022

The Duke Pediatric Electrophysiology Fellowship program is now accepting applications for one
position in a one year Pediatric EP fellowship starting in July 2021. Duke has a long history of
training pediatric electrophysiologists in a busy interventional and non-interventional pediatric
and adult congenital electrophysiology clinical program. The Pediatric EP fellowship at Duke is
an ICGME program that does not participate in a match. Applications will be evaluated on
receipt and interviews scheduled on a rolling basis. Please send a letter of interest, CV and
contact information for 3 references - one being program director and one being EP or
interventional cath director. Formal letters of recommendation will be requested as needed.
Send information to Salim F Idriss MD PhD via email at salim.idriss@duke.edu and CC
cherrita.mccoy@duke.edu .

Salim F Idriss MD PhD, FACC, FHRS, CEPS-PC
Executive Co-Director, Duke Children’s Pediatric and Congenital Heart Center
Director, Pediatric Electrophysiology
Associate Professor of Pediatrics with Tenure
Department of Pediatrics
Duke Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina
Ph: 919-681-6772
Fx: 919-668-6122
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